What is a Servant-Leader?

What makes A Higher Standard of Leadership unique is the fact that we are the only organization that has researched the motivational effects of servant leadership. We have conducted these studies for almost a decade. As a result, we have developed a teaching curriculum for coaches, educators, youth pastors, faith-based businesses, churches, and anyone interested in learning about servant-leadership and how it can make a transformational
difference in the lives of others.
One of the most widely discussed issues in our society is servant-leadership but it remains ambiguous and often misunderstood. What is “servant-leadership?” People generally associate servant-leadership with helping the homeless or service projects. While this is one segment of servant-leadership, it is only one small part. Servant leading is a set of behaviors purposed to develop other people and empower them to reach their potential. Servant-leadership is about people and leading from the heart.

We would be honored to share this information with your team, church, business, or group. The world needs more servant-leaders, and we will help you to learn more about this transformational style of leading.